OSU’s Approach


OSU’s Salesforce Implementation “Kata” Process

  1. Leadership Discovery & Research Alignment 

  2. Develop Scope & Estimate Timeline

  3. Deliver & Review Refined Scope Document with Leadership

  4. Information Gathering & Business Process Modeling 

  5. Delivery & UAT

  6. Go Live

  7. User Training & Testing

Since Salesforce is process-driven and very customizable, a thorough research phase must be completed to understand how the organization and management operate, how they use any current platforms, and what reporting needs to look like. This will allow us to determine what core setup structures are needed.

This discovery will identify what the business process is and will focus on your company's runs & not the technology.

Discovery is, therefore, CRUCIAL for setting up a strong foundation for a successful project. Cheapening out on the discovery phase would be like building a house without blueprints or writing your final paper with no outline (we’ve all done this one) and in crayon.

We also live by the great Michigan Football Coach Bo Schembechler’s motto, “The Team, The Team, The Team.”

Just like in football, a successful Salesforce implementation requires building the right team, having a plan, calling plays & any necessary audibles, & having everyone vested in the end goal of winning a trophy.